Best, Fast, Easy- Food
I did not grow up eating spicy food. In fact, I was a total wimp with it. I though it ruined food. Then I ate a little, and a little more, and now I love it. So, when I began interacting with chili’s, I din’t know what i was doing. I liked green chili and I’ve always have a from scratch attitude when it comes to food. Every fall there a vendor tents that pop up around the city that sell roasted green chili’s. I stopped and bought a bag. I was really feeling my new found heat tolerance and so I opted for medium. They made sure to mention that i needed to seed and skin them, which I’m not sure I knew. So, I went about removing the blacked skins and stripping out the seeds. I did this with clean but bare hands. Before long my hands began to burn. Then they burned more. Then I was searching for anything to relieve the mounting discomfort. For hours I tried any solution I could find. Oil, vinegar, rubbing alcohol, salt, even milk. Nothing did much. The point of this story is wear glove when you handle chili’s. That sucked. You can get kitchen safe disposable gloves at most groceries and costco. Buy some. Wear them.
5 Medium tomatillo
3 poblano chilis
1 medium white onion, halved and peeled
5 cloves of garlic unpeeled.
1 lime
sal and pepper to taste
2 tbs neutral oil.
Salt and pepper to taste
1 bunch cilantro
Agave syrup or other sweetener to taste (optional)
Pre heat grill to medium high or oven to 400.
Toss veggies in 1tbs oil in a bowl.
Place Tomatillos, chilis, onion cut side down, on the grill. Set garlic on top rack or off direct heat.
Turn veggies every 3-5 minutes.
Pull garlic when soft.
Pull tomatillos when they begin to tan on all sides. If they begin to crack remove immediately or lose them forever.
Pull chilis when skin is charred on all sides.
Pull onion when it begins to soften and turn opaque.
Place all the veggies in a glass bowl that you can seal. You want them to steam while they cool. This will finish cooking them and cause the chili skins to separate from the flesh.
Seed and skin the poblanos.
Remove the garlic skins.
Rough chop the onion
Add poblanos, tomatillo, garlic, onion, cilantro, lime juice, remaining oil and salt and pepper to food processor.
Spin until desired chunkiness.