Here I have compiled recipes that satify specific dietary guidelines. I am not, however, endorsing a specific diet. I think it is important to acknowledge that the science supporting each is often contradictory. I’d also like to acknowledge that while some of the diets tend to produce results, for example weight loss, they may come with potential risks, such as increased intake of deleterious fats. It is also important to note that everyone’s body reacts to differently to different inputs. There are some constants that seem reasonable to consider. A diverse diet with plenty of fiber that focuses on healthy fats is preferable to some extreme. For example, eating just ribs and bacon may lead to weight loss so long as calories out exceed calories in that is physics. However, that did might not be healthy as fat intake would be high and nutritional diversity would be low. In fact, eating in calorie deficit is the only way to guarantee weight loss. Balancing diet, activity, stress, sleep and other lifestyle elements seem to have a significant impact on overall health. This is not a weight loss guide. It is foods that taste good that exist within a framework. My advice would be eat in a way that works for you. Enjoy your food give yourself some space to forgive yourself if you aren’t perfect. Diet and exercise science is an evolving field and not all information is reliable. Consider the biases that may exist when you are doing your research. Is the program backed by reliable studies? Is there contradictory information? Is the information current? Where was the information published? And by who? What are their credentials? Do they have a vested interest in the perspective they are promoting? Is there a book, product line, of other incentive (Social media, advertising, prestige) that could influence the opinion? The bottom line is do your research and make a decision that works for you. More unsolicited advice, if you become over zealous about anything you become increasingly annoying, you may want to consider the repercussions of becoming an unpaid advertisement. Simultaneously, others may have come to other conclusions based on different values and that is ok. I will provide links to reliable sources with each post to try to help you make an informed decision but in the end the decision is yours. Happy eating!