Best, Fast, Easy- Grilled Salmon



Healthy, easy and delicious.  I watch the sales at the store.  Often there is a discounted salmon available.  Wild caught is better due to the diversity of diet and the freedom to roam.  There are good farmed options but you may want to check on the source of any farm raised seafood.  Some producers introduce hormones and antibiotics to speed growth and reduce illness but that can have negative environmental impacts.  It has been often been fed a petroleum derivative to create the pink color.  Animals can be overcrowded, movement restricted and aggressively fattened. All of this makes for less nutritious and less tasty fish.  There are, however, clean operations that produce healthy and delicious products.  Like anything, know where you are getting your fish from.  I buy farm raised salmon from Whole Foods and it is quite good.  ANyway, If you aren’t eating fish because you are afraid to cook it, you shouldn’t be.  It is easy as long as you follow a few simple steps.  Here we go…


  • 1 1 lb skin on skin on filet of salmon

  • 1 tbs neutral oil

  • Salt and pepper

  • ½ lemon


  1. Line a baking sheet with paper towel or a clean kitchen towel

  2. Wrap filet and let dry for 15 minutes

  3. Heat grill to medium high.

  4. Remove paper towels.  

  5. Coat both sides of filet in oil.  

  6. Use remaining oil to soak a clean kitchen towel or paper towel.  Set aside.

  7. Sprinkle the flesh side liberally with salt and pepper. 

  8. Let sit 15 minutes.

  9. Use your grill brush to scrape debris from the grill.  Wipe oiled towel over grill grates using long metal tongs.  Move it quickly so that it doesn’t catch fire.  

  10. Place fish skin side down on hot grill.

  11. Close lid, reduce heat to low and cook for 5 minutes or until fish easily releases from the grill.

  12.  Flip and cook another 3-5 minutes or until desired temperature.

  13. I cook the farm raised fish a bit longer as it tends to be fattier and this gives it a firmer texture.